Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Washington State lawmakers want tax on farm equipment

Washington State Senate Democrats launched a surprise attack on agriculture in our state with a bill that includes two of the cruelest proposals imaginable:

For the first time, farmers would have to pay the hated business and occupation tax if their gross income is $200,000 or more.

Second, farm auctions would be subject to the state sales tax.

SB 5911 is the bill that is being presented and the sponsors and co-sponsors are listed below. Please contact your State Senator and those listed below and let them know how you feel on this issue.

Senator Craig Pridemore, Democrat (Prime Sponsor)
Office: 360-786-7696

Senator Phil Rockefeller, Democrat (Co-Sponsor)
Office: 360-786-7644

Senator Adam Kline, Democrat (Co-Sponsor)
Office: 360-786-7688

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